
Flight Noumea - Brest from 213 925 XPF All Taxes Incl. *

* Adult fare including all taxes, starting from, subject to conditions, subject to availability. For information, taxes established at the exchange rate of the applied currencies, subject to fluctuation.

Brest - France

Brest, a city of art and history

At the tip of Brittany, Brest is a resolutely modern, dynamic city on the move. It cultivates its Breton identity through its many maritime events, its gastronomy and its sense of festivity. The city is a perfect blend of urban character and maritime culture.

Practical information


Entry requirements in Brest, France:

Need information about entry requirements to France?

Check the link below:

➜ Entry formalities in France


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Flying to Brest from Noumea

Use our search engine to book your flight ticket Noumea  - Brest and discover France. Book you ticket in just a few clicks on the search engine above.

Travel time

The shortest travel time for a flight from Noumea to Auckland is 31 hours and 55 minutes. However, this time may vary depending on your itinerary. Flights beyond the Aircalin network are operated by our partner airlines.

Time difference

It is 9 hours later in Noumea, New Caledonia, than in Brest, France.


When is the best time to visit Brest?

Brest enjoys an oceanic climate, with mild winters and cool summers. Depending on what you want to do in Brest, the best times to visit are:

  • Summer (June to September): Summer is a pleasant time to visit Brest. Temperatures generally vary between 15°C and 25°C, which is ideal for exploring outdoor sites. Take advantage of the longer days to discover the marina, the explorers' garden and Océanopolis. This is also the season for a number of outdoor events, such as the Brest International Maritime Festival.

  • Spring (March to May): Spring offers a respite from winter's humidity and warmer temperatures. It's a good time to visit the town's green spaces, such as the Vallon du Stang-Alar.

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Seat Plus

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